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What’s Happening
Local Sonoma Valley News:

Condo conversion countered

Ryan lely/Sonoma Valley Sun At a full council meeting last week, members of the Rancho de Sonoma mobile home park were able to watch the meeting on Sonoma’s new cable channel SVTV 27, which provided the first live broadcast of a city council meeting.At its... Continue

News Briefs

Pot club proposed for former Nicholas Turkey building The owner of North Bay Wellness, a medical-marijuana club on Santa Rosa Avenue in Santa Rosa, is proposing to open a Sonoma Valley outlet in the former Nicholas Turkey headquarters on Riverside Drive. The proposed business would... Continue

Mandatory water conservation for Sonoma County

The Sonoma County Water Agency at 11 AM today will hold a media conference in Santa Rosa to announce the release of a revised order by the State Water Resources Control Board that requires the agency to implement a 15 percent reduction in water diversions... Continue

Volunteers needed for native plant nursery work party

Please join Sonoma Land Trust’s native plant nursery workparty at Sears Point Ranch in Southern Sonoma County (near Lakeville Hwy & Hwy 37), Friday July 13th, 1-3 pm Volunteers are needed to propagate native plants in preparation for winter plantings at restoration sites along Tolay... Continue

Volunteers needed at Bouverie Preserve

Audubon Canyon Ranch (ACR), founded in 1962 to protect the natural environment through land preservation, environmental education and conservation-based research, today announced that its Bouverie Preserve will host an information meeting on from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on June 20, 2007 for its 2007... Continue

Hot Times at Slo-Noma High

Circus for big kids – that’s what it was. Air hockey. Sumo suits. Rock wall. Obstacle course. Tattoos. Fortune tellers. Casino. Karaoke. Game show contests. Plus free candy and ice-cream. And a 2007 car given away, among a huge assortment of other prizes. Cost of... Continue

Council hears value of water conservation

Residents in the city of Sonoma have conserved 726 acre feet of water since the city applied in 2001 for money from the Sonoma County Water Agency (SCWA) to fund a water conservation program. SCWA conservation specialist Carrie Pollard updated the city council at its... Continue

Condo Conversion Countered

The Sonoma City Council voted unanimously to adopt at its meeting Wednesday night, a 45-day moratorium prohibiting any permit or approval for the conversion of mobile home parks to resident ownership within the city of Sonoma. The term “conversions to resident ownership” means that not... Continue

Developer proposes new version of private hospital

When Tim Miller retires to Sonoma, he wants to be sure the valley still has a hospital. So the Indiana developer is offering to build one. “I’m dead serious about it,” said Miller, who hopes to outline his proposal at the June 20 meeting of... Continue