Hot water At 11:15 p.m., deputies were dispatched to the Lodge at Sonoma on Broadway and Leveroni to investigate a gentleman who decided to enjoy the resort’s hot tub facilities without being a paying guest. When asked by police if he was a guest at... Continue
What’s Happening
Local Sonoma Valley News:
They survived the wash-'n'-wear polyester years, struggled through hard times when the denim-wearing folks of Sonoma Valley thought dry cleaning was only for affluent city people. She sweet-talked bill collectors while he made deliveries. They worked six days a week, and on the seventh, he... Continue
A Sonoma woman is organizing a protest at 4 p.m. today (Thursday) on Sonoma’s Plaza calling for a “Taser-free Sonoma” because an officer used the electric stun-gun to zap her 15-year-old son on Dec. 20. “We have a trigger-happy police force with dangerous weapons that... Continue
Hospital lines up Broadway property The Sonoma Valley Hospital has gotten approval from several property owners to build a new hospital – provided voters approve a multi-million dollar construction bond – on 17.55 acres at Broadway and Napa Road. “It’s all sewed up... We have... Continue
Kenwood Inn Holdings LLC has purchased the Kenwood Inn and Spa from Terry and Roseann Grimm for a reported $19.8 million. The Mediterranean-style resort has 30 rooms, three courtyards, a pool, a spa, a cafe, a wine bar and other amenities on 2.5 acres across... Continue
The Boys & Girls Club Valley of the Moon announced today that David Pier is taking the helm as the organization’s new executive director. Pier, a 12 year veteran of the Hanna Boys Center’s senior management, holds a master of arts degree in psychology from... Continue
It wasn't just the wind that had people waking up Thursday night. A 3.8-magnitude earthquake centered about 5 miles northwest of Glen Ellen jolted many Sonoma Valley residents out of bed at 3:27 a.m. A 2.6-magnitude aftershock hit at 6:49 a.m., according to the U.S.... Continue
Sonoma voters may have two options in June to expand the city’s urban growth boundary to allow construction of a new hospital. One option would allow construction of a privately financed hospital at Eighth Street East and Napa Road. The other option would clear the... Continue
The Sutter Medical Center will close its Chanate Road campus early next year, but Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital will buy some of Sutter’s assets and keep them going, said a statement issued jointly on Monday by the two hospitals. “The Chanate campus, which (Sutter) leases... Continue
The Sonoma Valley Health Care Coalition expects to make its recommendation on March 14 to the Sonoma Valley Health Care District Board about how to proceed with a proposal for a new hospital in the Sonoma Valley. “We hope that’s going to be a pretty... Continue