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Public Citizen

Flexibility and firmness

Upright between gusts, Bamboo sways in a strong wind. A robin sits undisturbed Amid shifting shadows. We are surrounded by the successful combination of flexibility and firmness, and equally witness the failure of one without the other. As in most things, finding balance and equilibrium... Continue

The business of city council business

It has long been council policy, albeit not in written rules of order, that any member of the city council could add an item to the council agenda. This has been an open-ended right, completely unencumbered by the opinions of other councilmembers or city staff,... Continue

For the love of a great shine

For the love of a great shine There's a lot to see and do in New York City, my home town: Music at Lincoln Center, exhibits at the Metropolitan Museum, theater on Broadway and foods from every corner of the globe. And of course, there... Continue

Marketing the hunger diet

Have you noticed how many television ads for food are followed by ads for weight-loss programs? No sooner has the jumbo-sized 16-cheese eight-meat pizza filled the screen then it is immediately followed by tantalizing images of pizza, hamburgers, pasta and chocolate deserts from Jenny Craig,... Continue

The forgiveness of the world

The Earth is a patient Mother. You can run around all over, Even misbehave. She knows that in the end You will come back And crawl into her arms. Blessed by the forgiveness of the world, human beings by and large have enjoyed a fabled... Continue

I know historic character when I see it

“I can’t define pornography, but I know it when I see it.” So goes Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart’s infamous quote. Such subjectivity is something we may all relate to, but as a method of official decision-making, it stinks. Yet, by all appearances, Sonoma may... Continue

Shellfish on Prozac

No, it’s not a novel about depressed bi-valves. It’s a scientific report documenting the collapse of mussel populations due to exposure to Prozac dissolved in wastewater from water treatment plants. Modern wastewater treatment has advanced to the point that we now use the treated wastewater... Continue

On cultivating kindness

As I do two or three times a week, I called my dad in the other day to chat. I am among those extremely lucky 59-year olds who still have a dad. My grandfather died in his 60s when my father was in his early... Continue

A cup of tea

In a rather remarkable transformation of the ordinary into the precious, wine, tea, chocolate, pots and pans - even salt and pepper – are no longer just everyday things but have become symbolic indicators of the superior life. Williams-Sonoma founder Chuck Williams knows it and... Continue

The airport security full-body massage

For people like me, who have implanted medical devices such as pacemakers, a trip through the airport has become a bit surreal. Unlike the general public, we “bionic” humans must identify ourselves and submit to a full-body search by a uniformed member of the Transportation... Continue