Rude Awakenings ~ Catherine Seveneau

Catherine Sevenau Catherine Sevenau is a writer and storyteller who is out to capture your skittery mind. She's penned three books, compiled numerous collections of family genealogy, and has been a regular columnist in the SUN since 2016. She can be reached at [email protected].


My Impending Demise

Posted on July 21, 2024
My Impending Demise

We think we have time. The question is, how much? That leads to other questions. Will I be satisfied with how I lived my life? What... Continue

Queen Bee

Posted on July 8, 2024
Queen Bee

I am the Queen Bee. You know how I know? My friends tell me, and I have a pair of blue bikini panties with a queen bee on them to... Continue

An idea whose time has come

Posted on June 23, 2024
An idea whose time has come

NEWS FLASH: I pulled the lever and moved my Real Estate Broker’s license from my downtown business office to my home. I’m... Continue

Posted on June 5, 2024

“I enjoy candlelit dinners, a walk on a moonlit beach, and spending time in the woods enjoying the beautiful nature around us.”... Continue

On this Mother’s Day

Posted on May 11, 2024
On this Mother's Day

ON THIS MOTHER’S DAY To the women (and men) who’ve mothered me over the years. To those I’ve mothered, and to those... Continue

In search of funny

Posted on May 3, 2024
In search of funny

Someone asked me about humor, and how do you learn to be funny. I said I don’t think you can learn to be funny. Either you are, or... Continue

Keeper of the lines

Posted on April 25, 2024
Keeper of the lines

Why bother? I mean, really. They’re dead. Who cares about the past, and what difference does it make? However, there are occasions... Continue


Posted on April 14, 2024

“We’ve been brought here for a very short time, against our will, and we don’t know why.” I love that line. What is the point... Continue

Bless this mess

Posted on April 6, 2024
Bless this mess

I’m hard-wired for formal prayer. I find myself reciting the Our Father when an earthquake hits, and oftentimes at night as I go... Continue

Why write?

Posted on March 30, 2024
Why write?

Why write? It’s complicated. I never had any intention of becoming a writer, to externalize my life and expose it on paper. But as... Continue

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