Wild Valley ~ Teri Shore

Teri Shore Teri Shore is a long-time environmentalist and journalist who has lived in Sonoma Valley for more than three decades. She is an avid hiker, backpacker, and wilderness advocate. As an environmental campaigner, she championed winning campaigns to preserve greenbelts and open space, create safe havens for endangered species, and clean up marine pollution for nonprofit advocacy groups.


A stroll around Lake Suttonfield

Posted on June 4, 2024
A stroll around Lake Suttonfield

On a recent morning, I strolled l around Lake Suttonfield at the former Sonoma Developmental Center. It is in the heart of the wildlife... Continue

Wild over wildflowers

Posted on April 20, 2024
Wild over wildflowers

Wildflowers enthrall me. Over the past three years, since I lost Stan and stopped working, I’ve become enchanted by the native wildflowers... Continue

The joy of tracking

Posted on January 30, 2024
The joy of tracking

Now that the rain is here and the ground is muddy, it is the best time of year for animal tracking in Sonoma Valley. While our local... Continue

Beavers are an ecosystem

Posted on October 17, 2023
Beavers are an ecosystem

The beaver dam is back on Sonoma Creek in Maxwell Farms Regional Park. It was washed away during last season’s storms. Last time... Continue

Beating the heat

Posted on September 15, 2023
Beating the heat

When squirrels lay flat on tree limbs and ravens pant through their beaks, you know it is unbearably hot. I mean it’s been dangerously... Continue

The sly, beautiful trickster

Posted on July 15, 2023
The sly, beautiful trickster

On the evening of the Summer Solstice, after walking my dog and watching the sunset, I spotted a coyote trotting along the fence line... Continue

The Mayacamas

Posted on June 19, 2023
The Mayacamas

The sun set and the moon rose as we danced and gazed up at the rusty face of Hood Mountain and the rugged Mayacamas range. Honestly,... Continue

Rattlesnakes alive!

Posted on May 15, 2023
Rattlesnakes alive!

I recently had a “Full Monty” encounter with a big ol’ rattlesnake. I was hiking above Fern Lake on Sonoma Developmental Center... Continue

Lions and life

Posted on April 16, 2023
Lions and life

Mountain lions changed my life. In the late 1990s, a measure was put on the ballot to reverse the ban on trophy hunting of mountain... Continue

When robins abound 

Posted on April 3, 2023
When robins abound 

Everyone is seeing robins everywhere this year! Impressive flocks of the familiar rusty-breasted all-American bird are feeding on... Continue

Sonoma Sun | Sonoma, CA