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Sonoma Ecology Center is ‘Nonprofit of the Year’

[caption id="attachment_96274" align="aligncenter" width="420"] Richard Dale, Sen. Dodd and David Morell, Sonoma Ecology Center board member.[/caption] Sonoma Ecology Center, which has a nearly 30-year history of environmental stewardship and preservation in the Sonoma Valley, and most recently has taken leadership roles in regional wildfire recovery... Continue

Going to an event on Sonoma Plaza? Forget plastic bottles

The year's first large outdoor events on Sonoma Plaza will test the City's new ban on Single Use Plastic, such as water and beverage containers. Under the rule that went effect this year, vendors will no longer be allowed sell beverages in Single Use Plastic... Continue

The trail blazers: local eco-pioneers lead the way

By Jonah Raskin Last October’s firestorms stunned Sonoma Valley citizens, though once the smoke cleared and embers were extinguished, families and friends ventured out to see the spectacle of blooming flowers and green trees. Richard Dale, the executive director for 26 years at the Sonoma... Continue

Good migrations

The whole family flock in invited to get out in nature and be part of a national bird census on Saturday, January 13. Sonoma Birding’s 10th annual “Christmas Bird Count for Kids” welcomes kids 7-15, along with an adult, to be part of a fun... Continue

Saving water with purple flowers

On the color wheel, purple is classified as a secondary color. Secondary colors are created by combining two primary colors. Purple is created by combining red and blue. Of course there are many shades of purple depending on the percentages of red and blue in... Continue

Land use

The native people who lived here in this valley and in the surrounding hillsides and low-lying mountains used the land for their needs – water, food and shelter – and over time discovered uses for plants besides as food. They knew which plants could heal... Continue

Free workshop: smart water use

The Sonoma Ecology Center brings conservation experts together on Saturday, June 13, for the free workshop “Managing Water When Water is Scarce,” 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Sonoma Garden Park. Experts in water management will show how to plant for conservation, and ways to... Continue

Sustainable: What does it Really Mean?

Sustainable: Able to be maintained at a certain level; able to be used without being completely used up or destroyed. -- Standard dictionary definition “Populations in a given politically or geographically defined area become truly sustainable…  (1) When living within the limits of that area's... Continue

Mike Benziger named Green Personality of the Year

Mike Benziger has been named 2015 Green Personality of the Year by Drinks Business, the leading spirits, beer and wine magazine in the United Kingdom. The magazine's Green Awards celebrate the work that industry leaders (both individuals and businesses) are doing to promote and incorporate sustainable... Continue