Dear Dr. Forsythe: I just rescued two dogs that have been living outdoors their entire lives. Both of them are heartworm positive, and I want to know why they require special, expensive treatments rather than just those monthly heartworm pills. They even need X-rays and... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: My husband doesn’t trust veterinarians. He thinks he can do all the medicine himself. He goes to the pet store or to the pharmacy and gets whatever he thinks will help our animal (we have a cat and a dog and a... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: My boyfriend has a cat that will not leave me alone. I am a little upset by this because I am not a “cat person.” I have tried telling “Chris” about this but it just falls on deaf ears. He is too... Continue
Boy it is cold out there! Time to take extra special care of ourselves, bundle up and keep warm. This time of year our pets also need special attention. Here are some tips on keeping our pets healthy and happy during the long, cold season.... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: Have you heard about the plan our governor has to tax veterinary services? It seems like another hair-brained idea to tax services on your profession when they could just as easily raise taxes on gasoline or tobacco again or alcohol or luxury... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: I am interested in getting a small dog for my kids, but I’m allergic. Can you recommend a breed that won’t cause my allergies to flare up? I held my friend’s toy poodle the other day and afterwards I got really itchy.... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: My husband’s parents are planning to fly out from Boston for Christmas and stay through New Year’s. They called on Election night and said they plan to bring their pug and papillion with them for the holidays. Apparently, I made my mother-in-law... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: My kitten constantly gets into my houseplants and tries digging in them. Someone told me to use cayenne pepper to keep her out, but I don’t want to irritate her, just keep her from getting in there. She digs and chews on... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: I’m planning on breeding my 5-year-old Great Dane for the first time when I come across the right female for him. The trouble is that he has begun to develop some arthritis and also has a few bad habits such as roaming... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: My dog was evaluated to go to the local doggy day camp but was rejected for admission because she was too “nervous.” Apparently, during her evaluation, she missed me so much that she just waited by the window and cried for me... Continue