To the surprise of most of us, Republican Donald Trump won the Electoral College vote. Some of us were depressed, Cher wanted to leave the world, others just pouted. My own response was short term disbelief followed by a burning desire to repeat the welcome/threats... Continue
If you spend time around politics and politicians you soon realize that some of them really 'don't know what they don't know' and continue to embarrass themselves with uninformed, grandiose statements. Most egregious are those that reveal an alarming lack of understanding of, or disregard... Continue
On November 8, 2016 the American voters will elect the next President of the United States. Despite the fact that the three branches of government – Executive, Legislative, and Judicial – are constitutionally linked and monitored through a system of checks and balances, the Presidency... Continue
The late Tip O’Neil Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives was famous for saying, “All politics is local.” He believed it is at the local level that laws and regulations are passed that most directly impact our daily lives, such as safeguarding our water... Continue
The framers of our Constitution established three independent branches of government - Executive, Judicial and Legislative - each charged with unique duties and vital responsibilities. However, it is the Legislative branch that has, of late, become alarmingly partisan and increasingly dysfunctional. It demands a closer... Continue
A few months ago I turned 75 and to tell the truth I don't feel much older then I did when I turned 60. Family members called and my son and daughter-in-law joined Jeri and me for a surprise brunch at Nicks Cove. I loved... Continue
Along with a lot of my friends and some of my neighbors, I love politics and I don't mind getting into long discussions with conservatives or people on the right. Sure we disagree, but so what? It's been a part of my life for as... Continue
During the last days of September I followed the visit of His Holiness Pope Francis to Cuba, South America and here in the United States. If you watched TV, listened to radio, read the newspapers it was impossible to miss. The social media expanded the... Continue
If you look back on July 2014, it was a month filled with wars and rumors of wars, some of Biblical proportion. An airliner carrying nearly 300 men, women and children shot down over the border between Ukraine and Russia and the civil war continues... Continue
The story: Kim Davis, an elected county clerk, refuses to issue a wedding license to a gay couple. Shortly thereafter she is held her in contempt of court for defying a Supreme Court order to issue marriage licenses to gay couples. As a county employee,... Continue