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New Vet?

Dear Dr. Forsythe: I really want to switch veterinary care from the place I’ve been going to for a very long time; every time I go in it seems they have a different person and the girl at the front desk never remembers my name.... Continue

How to boot the scoot

Dear Dr. Forsythe: My Cocker spaniel is constantly scooting on his butt all around our house. I have had his anal glands emptied by the groomer, so I’m wondering what else could be making him so miserable. Incidentally, he almost always scoots around whenever company... Continue

Reader to ‘harsh’ vet: doctor, heel thyself

Dear Dr. Forsythe: I saw your article about the doggie on the airplane and I thought you were too harsh and judgmental towards “no place for pets.” The fact is the little dog could have fleas, and fellow passengers can have head lice for that... Continue

Carry-on canine not part of flight plan

Dear Dr. Forsythe: I just returned home from a visit to my children in Sonoma for Halloween and I was surprised at a passenger on my flight. She had taken out her dog and was passing her around to all the other people in her... Continue

Loads of advice about pup’s fall from truck

Dear Dr. Fosythe: My little Yorkie puppy Jack fell off the back of our truck last week and broke his foot. The poor little thing has been in a splint but we are hoping he will recover completely. How common are breaks like this in little puppies? How... Continue

Traffic cop impressed by poodle passenger

Dear Dr. Forsythe: I wanted to let you know my poodle helped me get out of a speeding ticket the other day. I was driving down Sloat Boulevard in San Francisco, a little bit too quickly, and a cop started to pull me over. He... Continue

What’s included in pet medication price?

Dear Dr. Forsythe: The online pharmacy seems always to have better prices; I can’t believe veterinarians can get away charging as much as they do. Why haven’t the costs of medications gone down at the local level? I’m so surprised and relieved pet medications are... Continue

Indoor cat is sneaking around

Dear Dr. Forsythe: I am worried about my cat, who has recently started sneaking outside during the day and even stayed out overnight several times. How dangerous is it for him to become an indoor/outdoor cat instead of the indoor exclusive cat he was when... Continue

Who owns the back half?

Dear Dr. Forsythe: I have a dilemma with my Schnauzer and I really want to get him neutered. The problem is he is a “show dog” and I only own half of him. The co-owner and I can’t agree on neutering him. She insists he... Continue

From the great beyond…

Dear Dr. F: I have an interesting story about a pet psychic. A couple of years ago one my cats, Mango, disappeared after it rained for a few days. My husband and I were very worried and looked all over the neighborhood and even put... Continue