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Dog’s new trick is no treat

Dear Dr. Forsythe: I am writing about something my dog has started doing over the last few weeks that is really annoying and a little disgusting. Every morning after going out and doing her “business,” I started noticing she would sniff her own waste and... Continue

Hey Doc, are you for real?

Dear Dr. Forsythe: We recently moved to Sonoma and began reading the Sun. We really enjoy your column but some of the questions are very unusual. There was a person who saw her cat inside the neighbor’s house! I was wondering if the questions come from... Continue

Motor-mouthed pooch drives neighbors nuts

Dear Dr. Forsythe: We got a notice on our door this morning saying my Chihuahua barks all day and all night long and the neighbors have complained. We’ve tried crating, bark collars and a trainer. Nothing seems to work. Now I need to find him... Continue

There’s more then one way to name a cat

Dear Dr. Forsythe: I am sending you this e-mail because we are having trouble deciding what to name our new kitten. She is only eight weeks old and she is a tabby. My mother got her for us at the rescue for kittens, and she... Continue

Flu shots for Fluffy

Dear Dr. Forsythe: Is there a new flu vaccine for dogs? Is it the same as swine flu? Should I get it for my dog? I was also wondering if people can catch it from the dog or if the dogs can catch it from... Continue

Could our dog be part fox?

Dear Dr. Forsythe: Is it possible that our dog Gracie could be part fox? She has beautiful red hair, is all poofy and lots of people think she looks like a fox. We’ve been asked several times. But can wild foxes mate with domestic dogs?... Continue

Don’t force mom to part with precious pet

Dear Dr. Forsythe: I am writing to ask for some advice from you to help me convince my mother to stop treating her little Pomeranian for diabetes and cancer. For over a year now, mom has been spending a fortune treating little Gigi, and the... Continue

Walking straight

Dear Dr. Forsythe: My 12-year-old golden/shepherd mix woke up this morning with his head tilted, and he has difficulty walking in a straight line. His appetite seems OK, but I noticed that his eyes were flickering back and forth. I took him to my vet and... Continue

Have a ball with a python

Dear Dr. Forsythe: Please help us with a family debate. My son, who is 13 years old, wants to buy a reptile, preferably a snake or a gecko, as a pet. I don’t especially like reptiles, especially snakes.  He’s done a fair amount of research... Continue

Customizing pet vaccines according to lifestyle

Dear Dr. Forsythe: My older dog, Buffy, who will be turning 5, next month, has been having accidents in the house! I can’t believe that she’s resorting back to puppy behavior and having housetraining issues. When she wakes up in the morning, there’s a little... Continue