Dear Dr. Forsythe: I have a wonderful, but slightly cranky 10-year-old indoor cat. She is in good health. I have the opportunity to adopt an 8-week-old kitten. My older cat, Sophie, has not met many other cats, and is fairly unsociable to the ones that... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: My husband came home from a business trip last week with a little Jack Russell puppy for our son. I was fine with it until I found out the puppy came from a pet store in a shopping mall. I have heard horror... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: I keep getting told my pet has a flea condition, but there aren’t any fleas on her and I know this for a fact. I check her every day, comb her and I would know – I’m allergic and if there is... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: I heard you like to give feline leukemia vaccines to kittens even if they are going to be indoor cats. Is this true? Isn’t this overkill? Please answer my question as I am concerned about the negative effects of vaccines and I have a new... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: I’m not sure whether or not I should keep giving my 10-year-old lab Rimadyl any more. The drug is very costly and I’m on a fixed income. I have been buying it on-line for the last 6 months but I’m not sure... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: Our neighbors and friends have started coming over frequently with their young son to use our swimming pool. This is fun for both our families since our sons are really good friends and play together at least twice a week. The trouble... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: My dogs have had discharge coming from their eyes for the last couple of weeks. I keep wiping it away but it comes back the next morning. First one dog had it, now both have it. Is this an allergy or an... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: My cat seems to not be able to jump up onto his favorite chair in the sun very much any more. He is OK once he is up there, but he hesitates to go there as much. He never complains so I... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: My doggies know what they are supposed to do when I put them outside. However if and when I accidentally leave a door open to a room where they know they shouldn’t be, they dash in and leave me a message on... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: What do you think of all the designer breeds of dogs they are coming out with now? Is it chancy? Do they usually carry the inherent problems with the mix? Like maltepoos, maltegriffs, maltzus, etc. We would love to get a friend... Continue