Dear Dr. Forsythe: I think my indoor cat “Abby” is trying to make me go crazy. Lately I’ve been seeing her outside one minute and then I go checking for her inside and I finally find her. Other times she will disappear for an hour,... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: I’m writing to you about a problem I had with a puppy I purchased two months ago that was sold out from under me after I put a deposit down. Can a breeder do that to a person? I went with my... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: I recently adopted a cat and she had stitches from getting fixed. But the last time my dog went into our vet and had an operation, he used metal staples on the wound. Is one better than the other? Just Wondering Dear... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: I’m really worried that my cat could have cancer. I’m not really sure why I think she has cancer but my mother died of cancer a couple of years ago and ever since that time I’ve been really worried that my cat... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: Our cat “Max” has been on a killing spree lately. He has gotten two birds, three mice, three rats, and even a fairly good-sized squirrel last week. Whenever we see him dragging something through the cat door, we all cringe worrying about... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: Our cat Zooba, a 4-year-old Siamese, has begun occasionally dropping his poop on my rug. Recently he started doing it two or three times a week. I have not seen him do it, so I don’t get a chance to spray him... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: I have been feeling angry ever since my sweet little Ridgeback was spayed three months ago. I don’t think I will ever forgive myself, or the vet, for doing this to her. I left her in the morning to have her operation,... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: I was wondering what the protocol is for appointments at veterinary hospitals. I always have to wait at least 15 minutes in the lobby with my dog before they usually take me into the exam room to see the doctor. Then I... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: I know you care a lot about the issue of safety and pets, but I’ve never read much about the hazards of dogs and cats tripping or hurting their owners. Could you please address this? Thanks, I’m sure many of us will... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: My cat has an ugly sore on his upper lip that looks like a herpes sore. It has been there for over a year and he gets treated with steroids, but they don’t really seem to help that much. I feel like... Continue