Dear Dr. Forsythe: My indoor cat has not had vaccines in over three years. I see no reason to give them to him since he really isn’t at risk of catching anything. But he got out a few times for a few minutes. Lately I... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: What is the purpose of always running a culture whenever a pet has a suspected infection of any sort? It seems like whenever I take my pet into you for a routine bladder infection, you ask me about running a culture. Why... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: I read your weekly column and always find it interesting and informative. But wow, your column last Friday really blew me away. I felt incredibly sorry for “Will visiting from Oakland”. You were extremely harsh and sarcastic towards him and I felt... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: I was in a pet shop the other day and overheard a customer chatting about her two puggles that she had—a brother and a sister. She actually said that she wasn’t going to get them fixed because they wouldn’t mate—they were siblings!!... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: I have tried something recently that really makes cleaning my pets’ ears easier; I thought I would mention it because it seems to make the chore much less traumatic for my dogs. I place the bottle of ear cleanser in a slightly... Continue
Pets Lifeline, in association with Arroyo Veterinary Hospital, spayed 15 feral female cats and neutered seven feral male cats at the free Feral Spay/Neuter Day on Feb. 7. By 10 a.m. on that day, twenty-two cats had been trapped and brought to the Pets Lifeline... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: Our bulldog got very sick this week and began acting like he was poisoned. The only thing my husband and I could recall that was out of the ordinary was our cleaning lady used a Swiffer mop in our house. A friend... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: I have an unusual situation with my corgi “George.” He attacks me whenever I let out a good sneeze. He has bitten me really good, once right on the butt, and I’m not sure why. This has been going on for a... Continue
Check pets’ collars to make sure they fit correctly and that their tags are present and legible. Also, if they do not have a microchip, take them in soon and get this simple procedure done. This will increase your chances 1,000-fold of being reunited with... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: I want a pet snake, but my mother is so afraid of them that if she just sees a snake, she gets sick. I think they are really neat and saved my allowance to get a boa constrictor. I told my mom... Continue