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Between a rock and a hard place

Dear Dr. Forsythe:  Our 11-year-old terrier was recently diagnosed with diabetes.  We are going back to the vet soon to get insulin and more information on this disease.  I wanted to know your opinion regarding quality of life issues with pets who have diabetes.  My... Continue

Dogs – and owners – who bite

Dear Dr. Forsythe:  We recently rescued a Bull Terrier and wanted to ask you some questions about several strange things that “Belle” is doing that is making me and my family a little worried.  I should also tell you that the shelter never mentioned this... Continue

Crazy cats and dominant dogs

Dear Dr. Forsythe: My three-year-old year old cat Mind-A-Ling-A-Ding-Dong has been acting very strange for the last couple of weeks. She will ONLY eat dog food now, has become extremely vocal and often “Yells” at us if we don’t immediately respond to her request to... Continue

What’s in a name?

Dear Dr. Forsythe:  I have an 11-year-old dachshund that has ongoing pancreatitis and needs to be on medication frequently.  In fact, over the last year he had five or six different bouts of it and needed to be hospitalized every time.  I was wondering if... Continue

Doggie ailments

Dear Dr. Forsythe: My14-year-old dog Gazer got a bunch of little tick-looking things on his coat over the last month.  There are about five or six of them and they are all small, scattered about.  I was pretty sure the biggest one (on his neck)... Continue

Managing mange

Dear Dr. Forsythe:  My six-month-old Bulldog puppy has a weird skin condition I wanted to ask you about.  Over the last two months she has developed areas on her face, feet and legs that are essentially small bald patches.  Other than the lack of hair,... Continue

Doggie no-nos

Dear Dr. Forsythe: Our border collie has gotten injured several times over the last few months.  Every time she gets hurt, she is chasing a wild animal on the hill behind our property.  She has gotten into fights with skunks, possums, and even a porcupine.... Continue

Smelly cats and stinky dogs

Dear Dr. Forsythe: My 89-year-old mother-in-law has had a female cat named Dolly for 17 years.  My husband says the cat has always had a problem with peeing in places other than the litter box.  This cat has ruined carpeting in my husband’s home, she... Continue

Lame Danes and kitty snacks

Dear Dr. Forsythe:  My sister is out of the country, so I’m in charge of her puppy “Filbert”.  He is a six-month-old Great Dane who has started limping pretty bad almost every time I take him out.  I have checked his paws for a thorn... Continue

Lumps and bumps

Dear Dr. Forsythe: I was doing an exam on my dog the other day checking for ticks, lumps and bumps.  While looking at her throat area I noticed what I thought was an Adam’s Apple.  Do dogs have these or is it something I should... Continue