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Cat diabetes and a puppy’s cleft palate

Dear Dr. Forsythe: I recently started classes at the JC and so now I have a schedule that is very fast paced.  One change that has happened is I used to give my cat his insulin at 9 a.m. every day (and 9 at night... Continue

One cat, one dog, two questions

Dear Dr. Forsythe: One of our two cats has been doing something strange as of late, and we were hoping you could help us understand what may be going on.  Our spayed female cat Jazzy puts her foot up and touches one of us, then... Continue

Dog decisions

Dear Dr. Forsythe: I am a 24-year-old recent college graduate, and I love to travel.  The problem is, I also have a four-year-old Heinz 57 dog who I adopted after my first year of college.  Do you think it is selfish of me to own... Continue

Heartworm a real threat

Dear Dr. Forsythe:  Our 4-year-old dog has tested positive for heartworm.  We are still waiting for another test to confirm the vet’s diagnosis.  I am very concerned because we never saw a single mosquito and didn’t think it would happen to our dog.  Is there... Continue

Copious cat concerns

Dear Dr. Forsythe:  Do you have any suggestions to help keep my strictly indoor cats cool during the summer?  I do not have air conditioning so I get a little worried that my cats will overeat during a warm summer day trapped inside my house.  I’d... Continue

Drugs and pets are a very bad mix

Dear Dr. Forsythe: My French Bulldog got very sick last week after some guests spilled their hashish on the floor and she got into it and licked up a little. One minute we were listening to soul music and the next minute I saw that... Continue

Lost and found

Dear Dr. Forsythe:  I read your column in the paper and I haven’t ever seen you write about this problem.  I had a really special cat I will call “Gypsy.”  She disappeared over two years ago from my house which I shared with my mom... Continue

Beach dogs and hypo-allergenic cats

Dear Dr. Forsythe: I have a question about going to the beach with my dog that I have been meaning to ask you for a very long time.  I take her once a week and have been taking her since I adopted her when she... Continue

Doggie bling and a doggie ding

Dear Dr. Forsythe: Last week my daughters decided to trim the hair on our dog. By the time they were done, he had a reverse mohawk, a very strange color of nail polish and sunglasses on. They also dressed him up real good. They did... Continue

Diamond doubters

Dear Dr. Forsythe:  Regarding one of your earlier columns, I wanted to say that I can’t believe what you wrote about the dog in Costa Rica with the diamond earring.  Nobody would ever do that.  I have read a lot of things in your report... Continue