“How not To Get Sued” will be the topic of a breakfast seminar in Sonoma for small businesses sponsored by Employer of Choice Associates on Jan. 12 from 7:30 – 9 a.m. In addition to employment legal updates, attendees will benefit from discussing the top five reasons that businesses get sued and what to do if you do get sued. Participants will learn proactive strategies that enhance their business processes and decrease their risk. The speakers panel will include Linda Daube, a labor and employee relations attorney, Pat O’Brien, an employees’ benefit specialist, Bobbie Collins, business risk consultant, and Holly Seaton, a leadership and management consultant. For further information and to register, call 707.935.6354. Cost of the seminar is $49. Seminar location is 19310 Hwy. 12. This is the first of a series of seminars to be presented by Employer of Choice Associates.
Seminar on avoiding a law suit
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