“The project is unfolding in a way where we’re trying to balance what’s going on with the site with the site analysis design,” said Project Manager Mundo Murguia. “The vegetation restoration management plan has already begun with the removal of the non-native Himalayan blackberries, periwinkle, and the large acacias. The next step is to re-vegetate the nearly two and one half acres with native riparian plants such as creeping wild rye, and a variety of different tree species, snow berry and native California rose.” The point is to increase the bio-diversity, and diversity of habitat, making a cover for birds and shade for fish.
The new plants will be drought tolerant in the sense that they are appropriate to the zone and they are being planted in their native habitat range where all their water requirements and culture requirements are going to be met. Restoring the native plant character to the environment is a key concept of this riparian corridor restoration. Nathanson Creek provides habitat for threatened species including steelhead trout and occasionally Chinook salmon.
The Sonoma City Council approved the Nathanson Creek Preserve and Trailway Corridor Master Plan in 1998, to restore a segment of the creek environment including passive recreation and bicycle and pedestrian trails improvements along the portion of Nathanson Creek between East MacArthur Street in the north, and Nathanson Park, in the south. In 2005, the Sonoma Ecology Center, the Sonoma Valley Unified School District, and the City of Sonoma entered into a memorandum of understanding outlining the roles and responsibilities of the three partner organizations in implementing the Master Plan.
Last year, the Ecology Center was awarded an Agency Grant in the amount of $660,000 to fund creek restoration and maintenance, landscaping improvements (including benches and picnic areas), and interpretive facilities, consistent with the Master Plan. One of the most critical objectives now is to provide for long-term stewardship of the site. That effort will begin with a meeting on Wednesday Feb 27, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. in the Sonoma Community Center. For more information, call Project Manager Mundo Murguia at 996-0712, ext. 122.
Take the plunge at Nathanson Creek
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