The Sonoma City Council voted on Wednesday to appoint archeologist George McKale to the position of City Historian. McKale, one of two candidates interviewed for the volunteer position out of a field of four applicants, came to Sonoma 12 years ago with his wife, right after graduate school, looking for an ideal place to live, and they stayed.
Vice-Mayor Ken Brown, whose job it had been to do the background check on the candidates, led the discussion of the appointment. “Mr. McKale is an expert researcher,” he said. “In his line of work he has to mediate between many groups with the goal of bringing them all to the table. It’s cool to meet someone new in town and bring them on board.” Council member August Sebastiani said, “I thought Mr. Parmalee would be the guy. I don’t know Mr.McKale from a slide to third, but whoever you are,” he looked around the room, ”I congratulate you.” Alone in the back row, a pleasant-looking man in khakis smiled.
Mayor Joanne Sanders said that Bob Parmalee, who originally proposed the idea and who is very well known in the community, and “for whom we have great respect,” was the other candidate interviewed. With his long background in the city, he seemed a natural for the job. However, when he mentioned during the interview that he’d be out of town from June through September, both he and the interviewers agreed that would be “a stumbling block.” Sanders said that Parmalee agreed he would help whomever the council selected.
McKale, who manages historic and prehistoric projects throughout California, said that as City Historian he is interested in public outreach, “bringing history to schools and children.” He and his wife have four children, three at Flowery and one at Sunshine.
Archeologist appointed City Historian
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