Local business owners hoping to save money and the environment can find ways to do both via a new Web-based community forum from the Sonoma Valley Economic Development Partnership.
“The Green Business Network hopes to help business-to-business sharing of information and ideas, and provide opportunities for collaboration and networking,” Laurie Decker,
Economic Development Project Manager, said in a statement yesterday. “The Partnership encourages businesses who have achieved recognition under its Sonoma Valley Green Business Recognition program to communicate about what they’ve learned with other local businesses who may be just getting started.”
The link to the Green Business Network can be found on the home page of http://www.sonomachamber.com. Included are message boards for topics on energy, water, waste, green building, and involving stakeholders. There’s a “Latest & Greatest” board for information about upcoming green business events in the area, networking opportunities, noteworthy finds, kudos, and favorite money-saving ideas. The “Green B2B Resource Directory” board is a place for businesses to share information about products and services.
The Sonoma Valley Economic Partnership is a collaboration of the Sonoma Valley Chamber of Commerce, the City of Sonoma, and Sonoma County.
“Green Business Network” launched
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