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St. Francis holds annual 9/11 tribute

At St. Francis Solano School on Friday morning, students, teachers, administrators and parents gathered on the front lawn to pay tribute to those who perished in the terrorist acts of September 11, 2001.   A lone bagpiper playing “Amazing Grace” led a procession of police and firefighters to open the ceremony, during which a contingent of students made heartfelt speeches. Parent Ed Vaughn took the microphone and, with the help of his son Luke, used a long roll of computer paper to illustrate the more than 3,000 lives that were lost on that day. New St. Francis Principal Matt Vukicevich addressed the crowd, commenting that some of the students hadn’t even been born when the tragedy occurred but that today’s students are the hope for a brighter future.

The ceremony concluded with students placing flags in the front lawn of the school grounds.  Each flag planted represents ten lives lost on the fateful day.

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