Local office hours with Supervisor Valerie Brown
Monday, October 26, 3:30-6:30 p.m.
Supervisor Valerie Brown holds her monthly office hours in Sonoma Valley. To schedule an appointment, contact Jennifer Hainstock at 565-2241 or jhainsto@sonoma-county.org
Sheriff Sub-Station, 810 Grove Street, El Verano
Springs Redevelopment Advisory Committee
Thursday, October 27, 6 p.m.
The monthly meeting of the group that represents to the County Board of Supervisors the Valley communities south of Sonoma city limits. On the agenda is the upcoming election of two seats to the committee. Sonoma Valley Charter School, 17202 Sonoma Hwy
Special School board meeting
Tuesday, October 27, 6:30 p.m.
The school board will hold a special meeting the focus of which is the strategic plan.
District offices, 17850 Railroad Avenue
Office hours with Mayor Ken Brown
Tuesday, November 3, 1-3 p.m.
Mayor Brown moves his weekly office hours, which had been during the evening Farmers Market, back indoors. Residents interested in meeting with the Mayor to discuss any concerns are invited to stop in. No appointment is necessary.
Council Office, Sonoma City Hall
Sonoma Valley Hospital board meeting
Thursday. November 5, 6 p.m.
The board will hear reports from the Finance Committee and the Citizens Bond Oversight Committee, in addition to other agenda items. Community Meeting Room, 177 First Street West