Sonoma Splash recently released the results of their online survey to gauge Sonoma’s interest in a community pool. The answer was a resounding yes. Taking the lead on that high note, Sean Mullen, the high school’s water polo coach and latest force behind the building of a new pool called a meeting with about a dozen Valley constituents.
“At this point, the only negative issue is operating costs,” said Mullin. “Unfortunately those numbers are a moving target and the elusiveness turns into an excuse not to build anything. It’s a circular discussion and we never seem to be able to solve the problem and move forward.”
Mullen went on to say one previous problem, location, is no longer an issue. The pool can be built on school property, ostensibly between Sonoma Valley High School and Adele Harrison Middle School, allowing for school and community use with the fewest access issues for all. An alternate suggestion, situating the pool in Maxwell Park, would pose problems due to county’s ownership of the land, which gives way to greater restrictions.
“We need to determine the revenue streams for operating costs – for instance, the city, the school district and membership fees – and then present our clear vision with viable solutions on how this project can proceed,” said Mullen.
Mullen expressed his frustration with a number of stakeholders who neglected to see the bigger picture with what he termed a “social project.”
“No one asked for a clear revenue stream for the duck pond or any of the city parks,” said Mullen. “Not every social project starts with a clearly defined revenue stream.”
The next meeting will be in late November or early December.