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Council passes Social Host Ordinance

A tool police say will reduce underage drinking by making adults more accountable for providing in-home alcohol, a Social Host Ordinance, was enacted by the Sonoma City Council.

“Right now, state law makes it illegal to serve alcohol to minors,” said Police Chief Bret Sackett. “However the law does not address the consequences when a minor drinks alcohol while on private property, or when alcohol consumption is done with the consent of an adult.”

The new ordinance makes it illegal for a minor to consume, or to have consumed, an alcoholic beverage in any place, public or private. It also prohibits an individual having control of any premise to knowingly host, permit, or allow a gathering to take place where alcohol is being consumed by underage persons.

There are several exceptions, including family activities.

“The intent is not to interfere or mettle in the activities of the immediate family within their private home,” Sackett said. “The intent is to address the problem of underage drinking by holding individuals who provide alcohol to underage persons responsible for their actions.”

Sackett said the ordinance will be a valuable tool for law enforcement, who often encounter juveniles that have been drinking but are not then in possession of alcohol, or they have not reached the point to be considered drunk in public.

Sacket said studies indicate that social host laws reduced binge drinking, and

drinking and driving among underage drinkers. The law would also make it possible for

law enforcement, fire and emergency services to be reimbursed for the costs associated with responding to a location where minors obtain, possess, and consume alcoholic beverages.