Niels Chew, a former member of the school district board and a founder of the Mentoring Alliance, was named Sonoma Alcalde by Mayor Steve Barbose.
The honorary title is bestowed annually on a resident who takes a leading, selfless role in community service to Sonoma Valley and, according to a city description of the post “is well-known for consistent behind-the-scenes good deeds.”
Chew is the former owner of Dowling Magnets. He was instrumental in starting the Mentoring Alliance by hiring a fulltime director, Kathy Wilicki, and essentially donating her to Flowery School.
A former volunteer fireman, he has served on the boards of Operation Youth, El Nido and the Sonoma Overnight Shelter.
The position of Alcalde — the Spanish word for ‘mayor’ — grew in power with the rise of the pueblo system. Back then, the job entailed everything from settling disputes over land and cattle to ruling on murder charges.
As resurrected by the city in 1975, the annual position is ceremonial. Chew will be given a silver-headed cane as a symbol of the honor and make appearances at numerous public events, including heading the Fourth of July Parade and the Vintage Festival Parade.
Barbose thanked and saluted the other nominees for the post, Mary Evelyn Arnold and Linda Goudey. “It certainly wasn’t an easy choice,” he told the council meeting. “These folks have given greatly to this community.”
The Honorary Alcalde for 2009 was Elizabeth Kemp.