Emmy’s hit by burglar
The take from a busy weekend at Emmy’s Spaghetti Shack, upwards of $4,000 in cash, was discovered missing by owner Emmy Kaplan.
Entering the office of her Broadway restaurant, Kaplan found the metal cash box, bank bags and tip envelopes all empty. The office door, which she told police she had locked the night before, was unlocked.
Kaplan could not give police an exact amount, but estimated three to four-thousand dollars was missing. The theft took place sometime after closing late Sunday night, Jan. 24, and its discovery about 11 a.m. the following morning.
Citing a lack of forced entry and the selectiveness of the thief – expensive music equipment and other valuables were untouched – Sonoma police speculated the crime was “an inside job.” Kaplan agreed, given the apparent familiarity with her procedures, but could offer no immediate leads.
“I feel like it must have been someone who I trusted and knew my systems,” said Kaplan in a Facebook entry. “It’s not the first time this kind of thing has happened but I can assure you it will be the last time.”
Police said the ongoing investigation would include an inventory of who had keys to the office door.
Flu cases steady, vaccine plentiful
Flu activity is relatively low, according to the Center for Disease Control, but the threat is expected to continue for several months. There has been very little seasonal flu spreading so far, as most flu cases continue to be caused by the more dangerous H1N1 virus.
Despite the lull, health authorities advise getting vaccinated. A national shortage of the vaccine has been rectified and H1N1 flu shots are readily available through physicians, Sonoma Valley Hospital and larger pharmacies.
On Friday, Feb. 5, there will be a free H1Nl vaccine clinic at 17962 Sonoma Highway (former site of Vineyard Workers Services), from 7 to 9 a.m.
After canceling fall clinics due to lack of vaccine, two Sonoma retailers are well stocked.
Safeway, at 477 W, Napa St., dispenses $15 shots (free under Medicare) from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday. 996-3697.
Vaccination at CVS, in the Marketplace at 201 W. Napa, are by appointment only at 938.4730. The cost is $15 (free under Medicare).
Pharmaca and Rite-Aid will not be offering H1Nl vaccinations this year.
Sonoma County volunteer positions available
Supervisor Valerie Brown is looking for residents of the First District of Sonoma County to fill the vacancies on the following:
• AB 939 Local Task Force: One opening
• Advisory Council to Area Agency on Aging, Sonoma County: One opening
• Alcohol and Drug Problems: Two openings
• Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee: One opening
• Sonoma County Fish and Wildlife Commission: One opening
An application and more information is available at: supervisors.sonoma-county.org/ and then click on the Boards, Commissions, and Committees link on the left side.
Applications are due March 1, 2010 and should be mailed or e-mailed to: Jennifer Hainstock, County Administration Center, 575 Administration Drive, Room 100A, Santa Rosa, CA 95403 jhainsto@sonoma-county.org