Two long-standing organizations serving the Valley’s teen population – Operation Youth and the Valley of the Moon Teen Center – have merged. The announcement was made this past weekend at a party hosted by Terri and Chip Roberson.
John Randall, president of OY explained that the merger would not only save operating expenses for both organizations costs but would strengthen the impact among the teen population that both groups seek to support. Each group boasts a diverse range of programs for teens, from running a café and providing music venues to facilitating teen job fairs and much more.
Randall said one example of the kind of synergy which excites both boards is the collaboration that is emerging between the groups. For instance, in the very near future, the Teen Center’s commercial kitchen will be used by teens to prepare snack products for the No Name Café, a small store and café located on the Sonoma Valley High School campus, run by Operation Youth. The teens will not only learn how to prepare nutritious products and how to run a business but also earn money for further programming.
Though a name for the merged organization has not been completely decided, a working title for the moment is Sonoma Valley Teen Services. The transition team of officers includes Randall and Osias Encarnacion as co-presidents, Jean Hopeman as secretary and Jim Mitchell as treasurer. Current managing directors of each organization will continue in their respective roles with Rebecca Hermosillo at the reins of the Teen Center and Cristen Lawrence in charge at Operation Youth.
Niels Chew, a longtime board member of Operation Youth and former board member of the now defunct El Nido Teen Center said, “I think that whenever groups can accomplish more good for young people by working together instead of separately it is a good thing and it really makes me feel hopeful for what we will now be able do on behalf of our teens in the Valley.”
Operation Youth and Valley of the Moon Teen Center merge
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