A number of events are set to commemorate Arbor Day this year. The schedule includes:
Sunday, March 7
Memorial Tree Dedication for Helene Minelli 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Sonoma Valley Woman’s Club, 574 First St. E.
Contact Jean Miller at 996.7484.
Nature Walk – San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge
Cullinan Ranch, 9:30 a.m. to noon. Waterfowl, shorebirds,
raptors and ranch history.
Contact: Francesca Demgen at 769.4200.
Monday, March 8
Earth Club Tree Planting and Dedication
Sonoma Valley High School, 2:30 p.m.
Contact Ellen Everidge at 996.1451
Thursday, March 11
City of Sonoma Arbor Day Celebration.
Sonoma Plaza, 11 a.m.
Hospice Tree planting and dedication.
Friday, March 12
History of Sonoma Valley Woman’s Club
and Sonoma Valley Historical Society
Depot Park Museum, 270 First St. W. 2 p.m.
Contact Dianne Smith at 938.1762
Saturday, March 13
Community Center Garden Dedication
and Community Picnic
Sonoma Community Center,
276 E. Napa St., 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Contact Kathy Swett at 938.4626
Sunday, March 14
Two Arbor Day hikes on Sonoma Overlook Trail
Hosted by Sonoma Overlook Trail docents
Participants meet at Sonoma Overlook Trailhead,
First St. West
For 10 a.m. hike, contact Clay Drake at 939.2606.
For hike, contact Barbara Gould at 935.6494