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News Briefs

Jail time for fast food flasher

The man who exposed himself to a mother and her teenage daughter while they were waiting for their food at the Sonoma McDonald’s has been convicted of indecent exposure.
Richard Garcia, 55, of Sonoma, was sentenced Friday to five months in jail for the November 2009 incident. He also received three years probation and will be required to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life, according to a statement by the district attorney’s office.
“This conviction should serve as a serious reminder that there are lifelong consequences for this reprehensible conduct,” stated Assistant District Attorney Diana Gomez. “No one, least of all a mother and her daughter going about their business, should be exposed to this behavior.”

Hospital wants input on CEO search

What qualities do you want to see in the next head of the Sonoma Valley Hospital? The search is underway by executive recruiter Don Whiteside, who is asking for community opinion and comment during the process.
The qualifications and characteristics the public would like to see in a new hospital president and CEO are welcomed at:
“I’m excited to be able to help the Sonoma Valley Hospital Board with this important recruitment,” said Whiteside, of HFS Consultants in Oakland. “I am confident we will find an excellent executive to lead this organization and to serve this community.”