Well Sonoma, it’s June. We are officially halfway through 2010 as of this month. Where has the time gone? I mean this literally, my friends. Where has your time gone? Have you dedicated enough of your time to making and keeping yourself healthier? Or did you fall into the never ending all-work trap and cheat yourself of taking care of Number One? Guilty, you say? Well then read on, here is where you begin.
If you are like most people, at the beginning of the year you made some sort of New Year’s resolution about your health. Now is a great time to evaluate how that is working for you and perhaps recommit. Better yet, bag the resolution and join the revolution. The healthy living revolution, that is. A time where people are evaluating how they eat, sleep, exercise, and think about the way they take care of their bodies in a society that does it all wrong.
After decades of living on processed, packaged foods and drinks laden with sugar and chemical additives and preservatives, our country has finally said enough is enough. We have thrown in the proverbial towel and submitted, after billions of dollars spent on healthcare, research, and pharmaceuticals, only to find that we are worse off than we were fifty years ago. People are tired of being tired, sick of being sick, and smart enough to know it’s time to take some personal responsibility. So join in. The healthy living revolution is here.
Being part of the healthy living revolution is not about resolutions that work for a brief period of time, or about fad diets, or even about going to the gym every day. It’s smart. It’s information. It’s your time and energy focused on being well. It’s not a choice, it’s a mindset. It’s making the world a better place simply by taking good care of yourself.
As a nutrition and healthy living coach, I help people set goals related to their health all the time. I believe that most of us truly want to look and feel better, but actually making the necessary diet and lifestyle changes long-term can be very challenging. So why is it so hard?
I believe it is partially due to the fact that we are serious creatures of habit. Changing our habits is not an easy thing to do. In fact, it can be downright difficult. It takes time, awareness, preparation, and commitment in the beginning stages until the new habits are formed. Once the new habits are in place, it’s like riding a bicycle or swimming, it becomes second nature.
I also feel that the more knowledge and information gained along with those new habits, the more likely they are to remain permanent. It is the mindfulness component that keeps us on the right track. Knowledge is power and there is a lot of misinformation out there. Going forward, I will be providing information on the importance of high quality food, proper sleep, the affects of stress on your health, metabolically appropriate exercise, the health of your consciousness, and more.
So stay tuned Sonoma, because healthy living is doable. Making the transition to healthy living is one of the most empowering experiences you will ever have. It is a transition that addresses your mind, body, and spirit. When you start to address one, the others follow suit. So when you win, you win big. And when you win, the world wins, because people who are healthy in mind, body, and spirit make the world a better place.
For information on my healthy living workshops call 343.1102, or tune in to my radio show, Body Talk on SunFM 91.3 Tuesdays at 2 p.m. for more tips and advice on healthy living. All good things, Heather