The Sonoma Film Society kicks off its outdoor summer cinema series Tuesday night with a free screening in the Plaza amphitheatre. The film “City Lax,” a two-time winner at the recent Sonoma International Film Festival, will show at dusk, following the Farmers Market.
Prior to the movie, Danny Wyrick of the Sonoma Valley High School Media Arts Program will perform on the piano.
As described by Kevin McNeely, executive director of the film society, “City Lax: an Urban Lacrosse Story” documents an unforgettable journey. “With the rich, white sport of lacrosse as the backdrop, we watch as the kids confront the vicious inequalities that plague urban youth today. Yet their undeniable spirit carries them and their story to places unexpected and unbelievable.”
The movie series continues with Tuesday screenings on July 20, August 17 and September 28. Evenings will include the best shorts and features from April’s film festival, McNeely said, as well as classics like “Cinema Paradiso,” “Princess Bride,” “Black Stallion” and “Stand by Me.”