Impact100 Sonoma’s board of directors elected Arleen Curry and Ann Reder as new board members at its recent meeting. Both women are founding members of the organization.
Within the organization, Curry served on the 2010 Environmental Focus Area Committee. She has lived in Sonoma for 18 years. After 10 years as an auditor, consultant and investment banker, she became a partner in a management consulting firm specializing in reorganizations, managing growth and assessing resources. After moving to San Francisco, she joined Odwalla, Inc. and served on its board and as its chief financial officer and chief operating officer. She retired in 1992 to grow grapes in Glen Ellen and has since served on the board of directors of Sonoma Valley Vintners & Growers; Sonoma Ecology Center; and The George Ranch Community Association.

New board member Ann Reder served on Impact100 Sonoma’s 2010 Family Focus Area Committee. She has been part of the Sonoma community for nine years. She retired after a long career in independent education in the Bay Area, serving as a teacher, counselor and administrator at the high school and junior high school levels. She chaired the board of Marin Country Day School and served as a trustee at the Urban School and University High School in San Francisco. Reder is a graduate of Skidmore College, is married and has two grown daughters.
Impact100 Sonoma is currently inviting additional women to join the organization and participate in the organization’s 2011 grant-making process. Information about Impact100 Sonoma may be found at impact100sonoma.org or by calling 256.0119.