Maynard, who grew up in Sobre Vista and attended Altimira Middle School, is looking forward to the challenges of her new position.
“Museum-going is rather hard work,” she said. “You’re expected to look closely, think critically, listen carefully, respond thoughtfully, oh, and keep an open mind — usually standing on your feet.”
“It can either be exhausting or invigorating.” At SVMA, Maynard promises, “we’re going for life-changing.”
Maynard has been working almost exclusively in museum education, heading the education departments at Experience Music Project in Seattle, the San Jose Museum of Art in San Jose, and Laguna Art Museum in Laguna Beach.
“We are thrilled to have found such a strong candidate for this position as well as someone who is so familiar with the community here,” says Kate Eilertsen, Executive Director of the Museum.
Maynard grew up on Sobre Vista, her family living initially in their barn while her father built their house, and attended Altimira and Justin-Siena High School. After graduating from the University of Oregon with a degree in art history,
Maynard began her career with an internship at San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and went on to serve as the education coordinator and then assistant curator of education at the Phoenix Art Museum.
Maynard said she is particularly interested in the idea of museums as centers for social engagement and creative inquiry. Towards that end, she will develop opportunities for active participation in the investigation and interpretation of art and ideas.
While she was at the San Jose Museum of Art, Maynard re-imagined its education department to become the museum experience department, which merged the typical responsibilities of the education and visitor services departments. The goal was to create an environment perfectly conducive to social interaction and learning.
The SVMA, among other initiatives, will soon begin offering classes in its newly constructed classrooms.
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