If you’ve ever found yourself thinking, “There oughta be a law,” Assemblymember Jared Huffman has the contest for you. His fourth annual “There Oughta Be A Law…Or Not” contest asks members of the public for ideas for state legislation.
“Folks in our community care about making government work,” Huffman said. “Each year, I’m impressed by the number, quality, and diversity of the suggestions I receive.”
Last year, two entries were selected: a bill to require ensuring maximum containment of oil spill contamination, and a law to protect salmon by designating Chinook salmon as the official state anadromous fish. Both bills were approved by the Legislature but vetoed by the Governor.
In 2008, contest winners consisted of nine constituents who had almost identical entries. Their legislative idea, requiring utilities to pay individuals for the excess solar and other forms of renewable energy they produce at their homes, small businesses or farms. That bill was signed into law on October 11, 2009.
“Even when a contest entry doesn’t win, I carry participants’ cares and concerns with me every time I set foot on the Assembly floor,” said Huffman, who represents the Sixth District. ”So if you’ve recently thrown up your hands and said, “there oughta be a law…or not!” I hope you’ll tell me about it.”
For a contest application visit democrats.assembly.ca.gov/members/a06/press.aspx. The contest deadline is December 1.
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