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Sonoma dreams and New Year's wishes

As has become tradition at The Sun, we’ve asked a few Sonoma notables to share their hopes, dreams and predictions for the new year. Here, while every day holds promise and all things are possible, are some of the replies:

“My default is always set to peace on earth. Barring a Christmas miracle, I wish everyone in the Valley the best the year can offer. And remember, nothing comes easy so work hard, play hard, and love hard. HNY!”

Michael Coats
Owner, Coats Public Relations

“Prediction:  Sonoma International Film Festival will “wow!” our community, causing a greater interest and participation in all events and films from April 6-10….the best in film, food, wine & music are coming to you!”

Kevin McNeely
Director, Sonoma International Film Festival

I wish everyone a delicious New Year’s and that not one single person goes hungry. That our lives are filled with big, traditional family dinners, happy farmer’s marketing and picnics in the Plaza. I hope for pot lucks and community gleaning, for food trucks and champagne toasts. In 2011, I wish for the best grape harvest and for an abundance of school gardens. A yummy New Year’s to everyone!

Kristin Viguerie
Sun food columnist and
Owner of Junipero & Co, on the Plaza

“My wish for 2011 is that the Sonoma Valley Mentoring Alliance is able to recruit more MEN-tors for the very large waiting list of boys who need and want a MALE role model in their life!”

Kathy Witkowicki, Executive Director
Sonoma Valley Mentoring Alliance

“As truckers say, ‘grab a lower gear & power through’!”

Bruce Cohn, Proprietor
B.R. Cohn Winery and Olive Oil Company
Manager, Doobie Brothers

“My wish came early when I moved to the Sonoma community and became part of the Dragon Family.  My prediction for 2011 is that the San Francisco 49ers will win the super bowl.”
Dino Battaglini
Principal, Sonoma Valley High School

“We wish everyone in the Sonoma Valley a wonderful 2011! We would like to invite all of you to come tour our exciting new construction site out at Hanna Boys Center as we build a new Admissions and Alumni Center, Multi-Use Auditorium, and new soccer and baseball fields for the boys of Hanna and our wonderful community. Thank you for your ongoing support of Hanna Boys Center.

God Bless and Happy New Year!”
Father John Crews
Executive Director, Hanna Boys Center

“In 2011, I predict that Cittaslow (“Slow Cities”) International will be in 40 nations; that Cittaslow USA will be in four regions in America; that Cittaslow Sonoma Valley will be a force for partnerships in our town; and, that bees will not go extinct and local food production will thrive because so many locals are growing pollinator-attracting plants! Go Bees! Go Sonoma!”

Virginia Hubbell,
Director, Cittaslow USA

Cat Austin’s Wish, Resolution and Prediction for 2011:  
I wish to become a fabulous, graceful tanguera in 2011 (now that is breaking news!).
I resolve to remember to love more generously – myself and others.  
I predict that the planet will realize peace and a global sense of humor in a way that was not ever conceived of or realized before.  How’s that for a vision?  Hope it helps! 

Cat Austin
ETC! theatre group

“My wish is that Sonoma stays the very best place to live in 21st century America and that the Sonoma City Council continues to provide the highest quality of service to its citizens. I also wish for much success for the Sun newspaper, KSVY 91.3 FM and SVTV Ch 27 Cable Comcast.”

Ken Brown
Councilmember, City of Sonoma
Sun columnist
Host of Mornings in Sonoma on SunFM 91.3

“My New Year’s wish for 2011 is for a strong local economy, more peace in the world, and a happy and healthy year for family and friends.”

Bill Blum
General Manager
MacArthur Place Hotel & Spa

My first wish for this new year is for all children in Sonoma to have access to a strong pre-school experience (2 years preferably!) and my second wish is for the continuation of the amazing community support for all our schools.  I can’t really help myself so I must add that I look forward to the Giants winning another World Series this coming year!

Louann Carlomagno
Superintendent, Sonoma Valley
Unified School District

“Tradition dictates that every 365 days I take a serious look at my flaws, faults, bad habits, and shopping obsession. And in accordance with cultural pressures each year for the past several decades I complete the arduous task of resolution setting, some years with great success and some years “not so much.”  I remember growing up as a kid in Colorado, one of my resolutions was to build the largest snowman on the street – I kicked ass that year!
But this year I’ve taking a different path and I plan to embrace the said flaws, faults, bad habits and my sheer joy of “retail therapy.”
Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not flaunting my personal prescription for self-indulgence (as I’m quite confident that my friends, family and co-workers will benefit from this as well) – I resolve to eat more, drink more, laugh more, and yes shop more! Bring it on 2011! Cheers!”
Michelle Heston
Regional Director of Public Relations
Fairmont Sonoma Mission Inn

“Sonoma is a great place to live. Returning from my Cittaslow International Assembly tour in South Korea in June this year I experienced a quality of life born out of a community determination for sustainability. Cittaslow delegates from 20 countries and over 100 cities traveled to tour South Korea and realized that, in touring all six Cittaslow cities they were united in a celebration of quality of life issues and cultural heritage. My wish is to make Sonoma that same great experience for those who live here and all that come here.  A graceful state of mind, shaped by place. A sense of home, stability, and possibility. The people believe in their city, doing their part for our community’s wellbeing. The supporting programs of the city facilitate community connections. Our lives are the richer for it.”

Laurie Gallian
Mayor, City of Sonoma

“My wish is that we all appreciate people of another culture, learn each other’s languages, and come to understand that no human being is illegal.”

Anna Pier 
Director of Educational Programs
CommonBond / LazosEnComún

“My New Year wishes:  May we all be happy, healthy, safe, and at ease.”
Steve Barbose
Councilmember, City of Sonoma

“My hope for 2011 is for good health, to keep company with my family, visit with friends both near and afar, active  business for all in business and last but not least,  peace for our entire world.”

Sheana Davis
The Epicurean Connection


  1. Dennis Hipps Dennis Hipps

    You can’t have Cittaslow with an AOL/Patch Corporate infiltration. Lets’ keep our great local papers alive and reject the monster that wears a cute face. We don’t want a corporation speaking for us, do we?

    Keep it genuine Sonoma grown in 2011 !
    Buon Anno Nuovo

  2. Dennis Hipps Dennis Hipps

    The Patch has kicked me off of their site for pointing out that they are AOL. When you look at their facebook BIO there is NO indication that they are a division of AOL.
    Why lie about it when AOL’s CEO can be found on the web discussing the strategy of infiltrating smaller news markets because they are “underserved.” WHAT A CROCK !!!
    AOL married dial-up, whoops lost $100 Million.
    Now they are after our treasured local newspapers…
    in 800 communities so far. DON’T PLAY WITH AOL.
    Reject AOL’s new warm and fuzzy cute l’il PATCH girls.

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