Editor: I want to compliment Kathleen Eschelman, an Adele Harrison english teacher, who goes the extra mile for her students. She split off a talented bunch of students from her 8th grade English class and challenged them to an eight-week research project. It meant extra work in addition to their regular class assignments. Thus she created a sort of “Honors English” opportunity. A volunteer met with the students weekly to encourage and guide their projects. I was fortunate enough to attend the final oral presentation with the students’ parents at the school library recently. The five eighth grade students gave excellent oral presentations – well researched, written, presented and defended. They readily answered questions in defense of their findings. I was duly impressed with the maturity of the students. Kudos to Mrs. Esch for giving the students the opportunity – and the kids were incredible!
Mirja Muncy
High praise for Adele Harrison teacher
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