To the over 300 people who recently watched the breathtakingly beautiful and poignant film “Home”, it was clear that the challenges to our planet and its inhabitants are daunting. Climate change aside (we’ll come back to that in a second), humankind has made an indelible mark on our planet. By degrading the landscape and depleting our resources, we have jeopardized our ability to sustain seven billion people. And scientists around the globe have agreed that climate change is a real and dire threat to our continued survival.
The message is clear: if we don’t make immediate and measurable changes it could be “game over” for our grandkids. Regardless of the cause, it is happening.
But the movie also shows the groundswell of activity that is tackling this challenge head-on. Glenn Close, the film’s narrator, says we need to act now and we need three things: moderation, intelligence and sharing and that it’s up to us to write what happens next. That story is already unfolding in our community in a very inspiring way as we build on the beauty, talent, ingenuity and spirit that exists here.
So, if you’re not feeling inspired, it just means you’re not getting out enough.
There are creative projects, dynamic partnerships and interesting conversations happening all around us, with new ones popping up every day.
You can easily be a part of this activity. In the past couple weeks, for example, you could have harvested backyard fruit to share with a food bank, learned how to be better prepared for a disaster, been inspired by a walk in a protected preserve, created a personal climate action plan with your friends and neighbors, and learned from area scientists and resource specialists how we can address the coming challenges of climate change. But mostly you would have understood that it is through each of our individual actions that change occurs and that by working in community we can indeed create measurable change. I’m guessing you have some great ideas of your own, but if you need a few to get you started, here they are.
Home, cozy home
Make your home more energy efficient (and healthier and more cost-effective)—Sonoma County has some amazing rebates and incentives for doing just that.
Re-think your ride
Whether it’s purchasing an electric vehicle, carpooling, riding your bike or simply making each trip more efficient, there are easy ways to reduce one of the largest contributors to emissions.
Think global, buy local
Purchasing locally produced, food, wine, goods and services not only reduces your environmental footprint but helps our local economy thrive.
Be prepared
Attend a SCOPE (Sonoma Citizens Organized to Prepare for Emergencies) disaster preparedness training. The trainings are free and offered twice a year (April & October). Call the Vintage House to learn more: 996-0311.
Take a hike
We protect what we love – get out & experience our biodiverse region.
Get smart
Learn about key issues and local solutions. Visit the library or attend a class or workshop.
Support the team
Lend a hand, send a check or become a member of any of the many local organizations that provide invaluable services to our community. Attend a canning workshop, volunteer to clean a creek or mentor a child. Whatever your passion, there’s an abundance of opportunities.
Note: Due to overwhelming demand, “Home” will be shown again at the Sebastiani Theatre on Monday November 28.
Article by Melinda Kelley. Melinda Kelley is an Initiating member of Transition Sonoma Valley and a City of Sonoma Community Services and Environment Commissioner. She can be reached at
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