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Irish fare

“Moll,” the comedy by John B. Keane, Ireland’s premier playwright, plays dinner theatre shows at Murphy’s Irish Pub on March 10 and 11. The romp, about a parish housekeeper who takes over the whole rectory, is directed by Kate Kennedy. $40 includes both dinner (5:30 to 6:30 p.m.) and the show (7 p.m.).

On March 12, “Moll” plays a $20 show-only at the Sebastiani Theatre. Tickets available at Murphy’s, Readers’ Books and the Sebastiani. 996-4359.


  1. Dirk Z Dirk Z

    “has a three-night run of dinner theatre at Murphy’s Irish Pub on 9.”

    I assume the author meant “has a three night run of dinner theatre at Murphy’s Irish Pub on the 9th, running through the 11th”???


    • Sun News Sun News Post author |

      That would have a better way to put it, yes.

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