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Suite celebration

Steve Ledson accepts a proclamation from Sonoma Mayor Ken Brown and the City Council recognizing the 10th anniversary of the Ledson Hotel. Ledson was praised for his extraordinary attention to detail in the construction of the hotel, which “was meticulously designed to fit neatly into the fabric of Sonoma Plaza.”

Brown also thanked Ledson for the hotel’s contribution to the city’s economy and “a continued tradition of industry excellence” that adds to Sonoma’s reputation.

“I’m very proud to own a building on the Plaza,” Ledson said at the Monday’s City Council meeting. “My family has been in this county for more than 150 years. I been walking these streets since I was a little boy.”

The six-room luxury hotel, which opens to First Street East with the Centre du Vin restaurant, is located at 480 First St. E.
Photo by Michael Coats