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Impact100 Sonoma membership tops 200 for 2014

As Impact100 Sonoma members gathered at their annual Education Forum, applause erupted as president Sydney Randazzo announced, “We have done it again – we beat the 200 mark two years in a row! This year, 231 women have joined Impact100 Sonoma, which means that on June 21, 2014, our organization will be able to award $231,000 in grants to nonprofits in the Sonoma Valley.”

This membership number includes 51 new members, and represents a 76 percent retention rate for returning member. Each members pledges a $1,000 donation that in turn is awarded to Sonoma Valley nonprofits based on a vote by the entire membership.

Impact100 Sonoma’s continuing momentum and growth means that in 2015 we will achieve the milestone of having awarded grants in excess of $1,000,000,” Randazzo said. “This is a tremendous accomplishment for our members and an incredible benefit and impact to our community.”

Randazzo also announced that Union Bank will be a major underwriter for a second year. She reminded the attendees that all of the $1,000 donated by each Impact100 member goes directly to grants, so support from community partners such as Union Bank helps to defray administrative costs. “We are extremely fortunate to have the continued support from Union Bank,” she said, “a partner who recognizes the impact we are making and who helps us to do so.”

The organization’s mission is to increase participation among women in local philanthropy, raise awareness of the unmet needs of nonprofits in the Sonoma Valley, inspire members to become more involved with local charities, and make a substantial and lasting impact on the long-term sustainability of the nonprofit community.

Listening to the voices of its members is key to Impact100’s continued success and its continued impact, according to Board Member Judy Scotchmoor. “There’s a high level of optimistic energy that seems to typify Impact100 meetings,” she said. “Attendees then had the opportunity to reflect on what the organization has accomplished in its short four-year history and what they would like to see as Impact100 Sonoma begins its fifth year.”

Impact100 Sonoma is accepting Letters of Inquiry for grant funding from Sonoma Valley nonprofits for its 2014 grant cycle through midnight, January 31. Grant forms and instructions and additional information are available at or 939.5007.

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