Interviews are coming up for Girls and Boys State, the national leadership program that invites select teenage delegates to a prestigious summer seminar on government and the responsibilities of citizenship. American Legion Jack London Post #489, Native Sons of the Golden West Parlor #111 and the Native Daughters of the Golden West Parlor #209 sponsored five delegates to the Sacramento convention in 2014: back row, from left, Curtis Presten from Hanna Boys Center; Elizabeth Eagles, Sonoma Valley High School; and Adam Curry, SVHS. Front: Rodrigo Rico and Rick Taggesell, both SVHS.
Interviews for 2015 girl applicants will be held Monday February 2, at 9 a.m. For 2105, information will be available to students in their junior year at Sonoma Valley High School. The school counselor will have a meeting with prospective candidates, and last year’s Girls State delegate, to answer any questions the candidates may have. The Boys State interviews will follow later in February, both at SVHS and Hanna.
For more information about the programs, visit or For more information on sponsoring a delegate for 2015 please contact Terry Leen, Commander, American Legion Jack London Post #489.707.337.1397 or
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