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Swim champs without a pool; Council disclosure error?; Cohn on Music Fest concerns; and more

Congratulations to the Sonoma Valley High School boys swim team, which somehow won the league title despite not having a campus pool. Much credit goes to co-coaches Keith Ryan, and Jane Hansen, who runs the Sonoma Aquatic Club in the Springs… Meanwhile, fundraising continues for the ‘Community Pool,’ a new multi-million dollar swimming facility on Verano Avenue. (It’s the empty lot marked with the art-sign ‘Pool.’) When is an open-to-the-community pool not a ‘Community Pool’? When it hasn’t been built yet, apparently.

Members of the Sonoma City Council may have violated a state disclosure law when, prior to voting to award a $250,000 contract to the Chamber of Commerce, they apparently failed to announce they were members of that organization. The April 6 decision created the Sonoma Business and Economic Vitality Partnership, which transfers activity previously managed by the city to the Chamber. At least three members of the panel are members of the Chamber: Gary Edwards, Rachel Hundley and David Cook. According to the California Fair Political Practice Commission, they should have announced that at the meeting, for the record… Though there is no conflict of interest or hint of financial gain for the councilmembers, their membership in a nonprofit group asking for city funding triggers the requirement that such membership be “disclosed to the board at the time of the first consideration of the contract, and noted in its official records.” Council watcher David Eichar noted the omission and alerted council at its April 20 meeting. There was no comment from councilmembers then or since. One simple solution: reopen the discussion in a future meeting, giving mmbers the chance to declare their Chamber memberships for the record.

Rocky Fino has chosen an entertaining way to work up an appetite. The chef, who believes that men need a little help when it comes to enamoring their significant others, gives a “Will Cook for Sex” demo May 16 at Muscardini Cellars in Kenwood. The Wine Club Pick Up Party, noon to 4 p.m., is open to the public, at $20 per, and includes wine. If you just want to be friends, have an appetizer.

Bruce Cohn and Michael Coats went on KSVY FM to field calls about the 2015 Sonoma Music Festival, coming to Sonoma’s Field of Dreams October 2-4. Coats summarized the concerns as neatly as a Ringo Starr drum fill: “Parking, weed and noise.” The answers: there will be plenty of parking; smoking of anything is banned by County ordinance; and amplified music will end at 10 p.m. With that settled, can I get Greg Allman’s autograph?

You’ve seen the clever billboards for Clover Stornetta Farms over the years, the ones with Clo the Cow captioned with silly puns. Now the company wants to run radio commercials with Clo’s voice. “No one has ever heard her speak,” figured Marketing Manager. “With the launch of our new craft ice cream, we decided to do radio ads and thought – why not have Clo read her own lines?” That’s where you come in: the company will pick the voice talent from audition uploads at

The third annual Mothers Day Brunch raised $26,000 for Sonoma Overnight Support, about half of which will go towards a future shelter for women and kids. Cute moment: When Ashley Cotter won the grand raffle prize, a Sonoma Mission Inn getaway, she immediately, with a sweet “Happy Mothers Day,” gave the certificate to her mom, event organizer Tami Cotter.

One Comment

  1. Jack Shmolie Jack Shmolie

    I happened to catch the portion of the radio show on KSVY .I find little to listen to on the station and can’t stand the laughing hyena on the morning show .But as far as I could tell there were two calls from people who are hosts and one , how should I put this ,…Idiot who called to ask if marijuana would be allowed ? What is the mentality of what few listeners of the morning drivel has ? Why would an experienced promoter say on a public radio station that it would be just fine to bring in pot ? Some people .

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