Running out of ideas about how to keep your teens and tweens busy this summer? The Sonoma Valley Library hosts free fun workshops for grades 7-12 on upcoming Wednesdays at 3 p.m.
On July 1, it’s all about Henna Art. Teens will learn about the natural, ancient body art form of henna. Participants can apply their own henna creation, or follow a design by artist Beth Bowmancan.
July 8, the program presents a Catapult Launcher workshop, where teens will have fun building and deploying catapult launchers and flinging things through the air. All supplies will be provided.
PerlerPalooza! a Perler beading workshop, is a set for July 15. Participants can create an favorite 8-bit-style character — be it Mario Brothers, Pac-Man, Minecraft, or more. The library will provide all the supplies needed, plus patterns to work with.
The series wraps up July 22 with a Teen Games Lounge. Vintage board games, such as Monopoly, Checkers, Risk and more will offer interactive, competitive (and non-electronic) fun. Snacks and refreshments also provided.
The events are free and open to teens in grades 7-12. Snacks and refreshments will be available. Space is available on a first-come, first-served basis. The Sonoma Library Foundation provides the financial support to make this event possible.
The library is located at 755 W. Napa St., Sonoma. For more information contact librarian Clare O’Brien at 996.5217 or
Did I read that correctly? Teens will be building catapults (which ARE launchers) to stay busy this summer? Then they’re going to learn to program? Is there an enriched uranium field trip in this mix?