Water, activities for youth and affordable housing are the Valley’s most critical issues according to a survey by the Sonoma Valley Fund.
“Building strong relationships between the Latino and Non-Latino communities,” and “Guiding the future of the Sonoma Developmental Center for maximum benefit to the community” also rated in the top five.
Nearly 250 people filled out the survey, including about half of those who attended the April launch of the SVF’s Community Conversation series, according to Joshua Rymer, SVF president.
“(We) wanted to hear about both the bright spots and the challenges facing the Valley,” Rymer said of the survey. “In particular, the SVF is hoping to more fully develop the community’s thinking by looking at the economic, social and environmental factors that play into these issues together, rather than separately.
While all five of these issues were rated as ‘Most Important’ or ‘Important’ by a large majority of survey responders, sustainable water was ranked number 1 in the survey by a large margin (over 95% of survey respondents rated it as either ‘The Most Important’ or ‘Important’). The other four issues were closely clustered behind it in importance.
While the results do not constitute a fully representative view of Valley residents, Rymer said, “they are valuable nevertheless and helpful in understanding the concerns and interests of our community.”
Looking ahead, Rymer said, the SVF plans to work simultaneously on three related tracks:
- Invite the community to participate in a conversation in the autumn on the top rated issue – Sustainable Water.
- Continue to gather additional viewpoints on the all of the critical issues facing the Valley by taking the survey to communities and groups that were under-represented at the April meeting or through the online survey.
- Continue its longer-term efforts to help build the community’s ability to address the most pressing issues facing the Valley.
“The Sonoma Valley Fund continues to believe that the time is right for more concerted and coordinated efforts to shape the future of Sonoma,” Rymer said.
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