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Open letter to political candidate Trump and those who think like him

First, trolling bait to the anti-brown immigrants crowd, by calling Mexicans “sent here by their government,” “rapists,” and “bringing drugs and crime,” he then stirred in xenophobic fears and racial bias aimed at the Chinese government with factually dumb and just plain wrong rhetoric geared to incite the Republican’s Tea Party wing and those of that deviant mentality.

Once he’d cast that putrid bait he tried to soft-pedal it in typical political weaseling by saying of Mexicans that “some of them are nice people” he “was sure,” nevertheless their being sent by a government to make problems for Americans. It was said and done to feed that politician’s interest group, and he is a politician despite his lame protestations to the contrary.

Trump is a politician because (1) he’s in politics right now and has run for public office before, (2) he’s not an experienced politician because he’s never been elected to public office, and (3) he’s full of shit like most politicians in that he tells lies and half-truths and panders to getting approval from those that think like him. So right off the bat his claim not to be a politician is a blatant lie coming out of the mouth of a man running for the highest political office in the land. He is simply just another lying politician.

Here’s another whopper: In one breath he claims Mexican immigrants are taking American jobs and in the next that China, you know, the country, is stealing American jobs.

The Mexicans or South American immigrants working in agricultural, hospitality, restaurant, construction, home services, etc., jobs are working there because Americans don’t want those jobs. I don’t blame Americans; it’s damn hard work. I’ve done it.

But if this mass deportation of 12 million people, which is (1) unthinkable and (2) realistically impossible were to be miraculously accomplished it would prove to one and all that most of our society depends on this labor and these people to do it. It won’t be long before these folks are moving up the ladder as is happening ring now.

As for China stealing our jobs it’s American corporations and manufacturers who sent work and jobs to China for cheap labor. Is there anyone who doesn’t know this? Trump’s line of clothing is made there.

So Trump is just another lying politician who’s baiting immigrant bashers and people looking for a scapegoat for their own shitty lives, i.e., people who like to hate others and think they’re superior to them. That’s quite a ticket to run on, but it’s been done before, many times.

Focusing in here at home in Sonoma, CA, once the empire of the redwoods, now the red wines (other colors accepted), we have a rather large Latino population. It’s widespread and varied and headed for the Middle Class. But a generation away. With most of us living here it’s fine. No problem.

You come right down to it we’re much alike in that we worry about the same things, we love our families, we all seek amusement or distractions and we’re all trying to stay solvent. There are some cultural differences, but who gives a damn? We’re made up of a slew of cultures in this country. We’re mongrels. Get used to it. Makes for a healthier breed anyway, dogs or humans.

I’m not Latino, but like Mr. Ramos of Univision, I take offense at Trumps’ characterizations of Mexicans. And Chinese. And whatever group he wants to bash and denigrate next in his quest for political power. And, yes, that’s what he wants. Political power. He doesn’t want to own the U.S., save for pieces of it; he wants to tell the country what to do. He wants to make the U.S. in his image and do his bidding. He’s a politician and that’s what politicians want to do.

I take offense and Sonoma should take offense. We live here and we know better the value of our immigrants from the South. Do a small number commit murders or rape or steal or run drugs? Of course. So do Anglos and every other group and our numbers are in fact much bigger. No nationality or race has a lock on crime. Sadly it’s a human thing.

Maybe the local city councils and county Supervisors should draft a note to the Trump campaign and the Republican Party and tell them we object to Trump’s lies and innuendo, and to his appealing to the most base of human instincts, hatred and prejudice, in his political quest to run this country.

I think the bastard deserves at least that.



One Comment

  1. Bob S Bob S

    Trump isn’t going to be President-this author is living in fear. The good thing is that basic people want real leadership. Tea Party principles aren’t evil. Sonoma has many residents with Tea Party values, we follow the law, pay our taxes & don’t write letters while sitting on a commode.

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