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No votes cast for fly fishing pond; senior day, for dogs; and typical teens

Fly Fishing Outfitters has been trying for years to open the Leland Fly Fishing school at its 24120 Arnold Drive location, next to Sonoma Valley Airport, casting lawsuits and paying County fines along the way. But so far, the latest request, to hold 90 events a year and use an on-site pond for lessons and drop-in fishing with the best fishing reels, has not been approved. The two-acre pond was initially pitched as an agricultural feature supporting fire suppression. Now it’s full of about 4,600 fish, stocked without use permit approval. How the fish got there, the lawyers couldn’t say. But birds, flying in to feast on fish, are a safety concern for airplane pilots, and the pond is close enough to the airport’s alternate runway to become the interest of the County’s Airport Land Use Commission. The panel this week denied, by a 4-0 vote, owner Josh Frazier’s application to keep the pond stocked, finding the proposal inconsistent with the Sonoma County Comprehensive Airport Land Use Plan’s land use restrictions. But so far, the latest request, to hold 90 events a year and use an on-site pond for lessons and drop-in fishing, has not been approved.

If your dog was too rowdy for the Water Bark event – where dogs get to swim and play off-leash at the Spring Lake Swimming Lagoon – now try the “Mellow Monday” version. The September 28 outing is open to seniors only – humans and dogs. Officials said that because younger dogs get excited, jump and “overwhelm” the clientele, they’ve reserved the year’s final Water Bark, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. as the “low key” alternative.

The Club, the Boys & Girls Clubs of Sonoma Valley’s new facility in Maxwell Village dedicated to high school teen members, is officially open. After the importicos had their fun at the party, the teens did what comes naturally when there are too many adults around – they kicked them out to watch a movie.

— Val Robichaud

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One Comment

  1. Pretty funny that someone stocked the pond without getting permission, probably didn’t anticipate that preying birds could disrupt airplanes when they illegally stocked it.

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