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Another pitch to develop prominent Sonoma property

Developers of the long-vacant Broadway Truck & Auto lot at 870 Broadway will return to the Sonoma Planning Commission tonight to present yet another proposal for the 1.86 acre parcel.

The previous plan, presented November 12, called for an all-residential development of clustered town homes. Commissioners questioned the height and mass of the buildings, and if the overall design aesthetic was appropriate for such a prominent location.

Several commissioners felt the units should be smaller, and set back further from the Broadway and MacArthur Street borders. Several called for an increase in density to perhaps make the units more affordable.

“The City does not need more 2,000 square-foot plus residences,” said Commissioner James Cribb.

Also of concern was the lack of a retail element. Initial ideas for the parcel, true to the property’s mixed-use zoning designation, included a shops, restaurant and a hotel. Those elements were scrapped in favor of the all-housing design.

By not observing the intent of the mixed-use designation, Commissioner Chip Roberson said, “the balance of the benefit seems to be leaning toward the developer, not the community.”

Based on feedback from the previous meeting, the developer will tonight present two conceptual alternatives: Plan C, with 22 units, a two-unit decrease in density from the previous proposal; and Plan D, with 30 units, which represents a six-unit increase in density from the previous proposal.

“This is a challenging site, “ said Commissioner Ron Wellander. “It is important not to get caught in the idea that anything would be better than what is there now.”

The public meeting begins at 6 p.m. at 177 First Street West in Sonoma. It will be broadcast live on SVTV Comcast 27 and


  1. Jack Shmolie Jack Shmolie

    Available online @ Cool .

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