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Thanks for leadership on leaf blowers

To the Editor:

Many Sonoma residents will enjoy more peace and less pollution thanks to the leadership of three city council members. Mayor Laurie Gallian and Council Members, Madolyn Agrimonti, and David Cook, put an end to a divisive ballot measure that would have dragged this debate out for another entire year and used up money and time that could be better spent on other community services and projects.

As citizens, we elect representatives to make decisions that affect our community. We do not want them to shirk their responsibility by relegating difficult decisions to ballot measures. Citizens who want to challenge a position that the council takes are free to create their own ballot measure. However, I seriously doubt that those who oppose banning gas-powered leaf blowers could get enough signatures to put their measure on a ballot. Most Sonoma residents are going to be relieved that these obnoxious gas bags are about to be blown out of Sonoma.

Council member Rachel Hundley’s disingenuous remarks about those of us who wanted to compromise rather than drag this issue into an expensive ballot measure, proved only one thing. We are willing to compromise; she is not.

The three council members who voted to abandon a ballot measure for this issue clearly explained why they were taking their positions. I would suggest that people watch the recording of this council meeting on KSVY and get the whole picture. I am grateful for their leadership on this issue.

Georgia Kelly, Sonoma

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    One Comment

    1. Jack Shmolie Jack Shmolie

      I think your talking the meeting on TV .Here’s the site address. .I can’t figure how to get to the correct meeting .What was the date please ?

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