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Under the Sun: Tony Albini — Maintenance/Operations Manager, SVUSD

I hear you’re a local, Tony.

Yeah, I went to Flowery elementary, then El Verano, then Altamira and Sonoma High where I graduated in 1988. I’m a genuine home boy! I’ve gotten to know almost every square inch of every school. Sonoma Valley is my home.

Have you always lived here?

We have a home here now. My wife Jennifer and I had moved away for a while but always wanted to move back. We were married at St. Leo’s and have two kids, aged 19 and 25. My mother’s still alive, and she lives in Santa Rosa with one of my two sisters. She worked at SDC, as has my sister. I’m the youngest of three. I was a member of the Explorer Post and remember filling sandbags in advance of a flood; I think it was in ’82. At 18 I volunteered at the fire department.

Tell me about your job with the School District.

I love my job! I really do. I look forward to coming to work. It’s always a challenge, and I love the challenges that happen everyday. We deal with everything: sewer lines, playing fields, mowing, sprinklers, painting, electrical work, HVAC, locksmithing, flooring… you name it. We have a great crew, great staff. And it’s great being around the kids, and I often see people at work I went to school with. We do a lot of problem-solving and management listens to us! It’s like having a second family. I love Louann and the school board members are accessible and genuine. It’s a real small-town atmosphere.

What about vandalism in the schools? Still an issue?

It’s not that bad. Our crew has built a good relationship with the students; we’re accessible and they’ve gotten to know us. We hire kids to work with the crew, and we help with senior projects. Before there was no relationships, but that’s changed. Being a wresting coach helps! And my wife Jennifer is the administrative assistant to the principal at the High School.

Were you a wrestler?

Yeah. I used to wrestle in High School under Roger Winslow. I’d like to think I was good; I guess I held my own. The thing about wrestling is that it’s almost military. It teaches you how to win and how to lose gracefully. Some call wrestling “the special forces of High School athletics.”

And what do you do to relax besides coming to work?

Ha! You’re funny, but you’re right. I guess when I want to really relax I take a take a ride on my motorcycle. It’s a Yamaha 1300 V-Star. I wear a black helmet. I’m just a simple guy, that’s who I am! If I retire someday, I want it to be from this job. The Valley is so beautiful. By the way, did you see the spectacular sunrise today?




One Comment

  1. Hoosier Sam Hoosier Sam

    Nice profile about a really nice guy. Kudos to Tony Albini for cleaning up the air for SVUSD students by ceasing the use of gas-powered leaf blowers completely, and not using electric blowers when students are present. Thank you, Mr. Albini!

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