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Impact100 Sonoma announces finalists for $100k grant

The nonprofit group Impact100 Sonoma will award $276,000 in grants to a variety of Sonoma Valley nonprofit organizations at its Grant Awards Ceremony on May 21. This year, the $100,000 Impact Grant will be awarded to one of the following four nonprofit organizations serving Sonoma Valley:

10,000 Degrees. The proposed program would extend the two-year college access program to serve 35 additional students at Sonoma Valley High School and seven students at Hanna Boys Center, focusing on academic support, college persistence skills building, and financial aid.

Becoming Independent. Grant would launch a community-based model of “social inclusion” for individuals with disabilities, providing opportunity for jobs, education, and volunteerism while contributing to a more inclusive and diverse community.

Pets Lifeline. Grant would fund Mobile Emergency Response/Pet Adoption Vehicle to supply, house and care for up to 200 animals in an emergency, and increase adoptions with a self-contained “adoption storefront” that can locate at numerous community-partner locations.

Sonoma Valley Mentoring Alliance. Grant would provide training for mentors, teachers. and other adults who work with children the best available tools and skills to assess, prevent and heal children who are suffering from personal and family traumas.

In addition to the $100,000 Impact Grant, the remaining finalists for the Impact Grant will each receive $20,000. Additionally, a total of $116,000 will be designated to Community Grants, ranging in size from $9,000 to $15,000, to 22 recipients.

“As we end the 2016 grant cycle, it has never been more apparent that the commitment to enrich the lives of others is woven into the fiber of this community,” said Cathy Gorham, who Impact Grant selection chair.

Voting by the Impact100 Sonoma membership will take place in May, and the recipients will be announced at the Grant Awards Ceremony to be held at Hanna Boys Center on May 21.

 The complete list of finalists will be posted soon

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