A touching note from Doris Duncan of Sonoma County Wildlife Rescue:
“Leslie, our long time educational ambassador red tailed hawk is reaching the end of her life. She is in her late twenties and her old wing injury is causing her more and more pain and difficulty. It is the recommendation of our veterinarian that we assist her with her transition to the next world. She’ll be passing on this Thursday.
“For those of you who loved Leslie and want to celebrate her life and her return to the skies, we’ll be having a ceremony for her this coming Saturday, May 21st, at 3pm. Please RSVP to Linnaea at education@scwildliferescue.org so we know who to expect.
“Thanks for your understanding and compassion.”
Sonoma County Wildlife Rescue is located at 403 Mecham Road, Petaluma. Donations to: P.O. Box 448, Cotati, CA 94931
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